This Blender 4.2 setup uses geometry nodes and ray portals to create dynamic, export-ready spritesheets. The sheet tiles contain perspectives of a full object rotation or camera rotation around the object (different lighting). It works in realtime and has many parameters to individualize the outcome.
Previewing the sheet only works with the Cycles Renderer, since it is the only one that supports ray portals. Spectate through the camera that is linked to the spritesheet in the modifier tab to have a better view of what you change there.
By moving the camera you can place the spritesheets at a point where it doesn't collide with other scene objects. The sheet itself is bound to the camera, which functions as a transformation parent.
Blender Files:
Use this Blender file for objects that can turn and rotate on their own (people, cars). They are viewed from a fixed camera perspective. Here the modifier has to create rotated duplicates of the object that are then mapped onto the spritesheet.
Use this Blender file to create sprites of static objects (buildings, trees) captured by a rotating camera. Here no object duplicates are needed. The ray portal is just capturing from different perspectives.
Click on a spritesheet in the outliner to access the geometry nodes input in the modifier tab. This will grant you more customization options:
Displays the aspect ratio of the sheet. You have to use this ratio, when you set your output resolution settings.
The object you want to process
The orthographic camera that is used for rendering. The orthographic scale smust be set to "1".
Here you can set up the dimensions of your stylesheet, resulting in a fixed amount of tiles (columns*rows). The higher the tile count the finer the rotation steps.
Use these to frame the object into the available space
X-rotation of the camera
Slides between orthographic and perspective mode
Preview Animation:
Once your spritesheets are ready you can play them back with a separate camera and the preview animation sheet in the outliner:
two *.blend files with preview objects